Without excitement, you’re exchangeable.


A couple of weeks ago I had a conversation with a friend who was rejected after a job interview. I listened to her and the way she talked about the position and suddenly I realised why they didn’t consider her: she wasn't excited about the role. When looking for work, or even freelance jobs, there are three things that truly matter: skills, vision, and excitement. In addition, you need proof of all three.

It might take a lot of self-reflection to figure out what you're really excited about; to figure out what makes your heart sing and your eyes sparkle. But how do you expect to convince anyone that you’re the right person for a job if they don’t see that you’re head over heels? It's not enough to be excited; you have to be able to show that you are. 

The best way to convince someone you're a good fit for a job is to have proof of your excitement. Have you seen the movie The Rebound? (Probably not.) When the main actress wants to get a job in sports journalism, she shows the interviewer a (physical) map with sports result she's been tracking for years - results and statistics she's been writing down without anyone asking her to, let alone paying her to. She didn’t need formal education. She could prove she was the right candidate. 

This is why, in the age of the social web, it makes sense to share your excitement publicly. Once you do and keep doing it, people (and it’s very likely it’s going to be the right people) will notice and approach you. I got my first real job offer because I had a blog where I wrote about the things I found interesting. No one cared that I only had experience as a waitress. I was excited and I made people aware of that.

I don’t know what you’re excited about in particular, but whatever it is, start showing and sharing your excitement today. On Instagram, on Tumblr or on your personal blog. It’s about time! 


A bit of creative inspiration for you.


It's a wrap! April 2015