How to write a compelling 'About Me'


Last week, I received an urgent request to write an 'About me' text. At first, I wrote about my client's services and described them in the third person. My client wasn't very impressed. He sent me some examples that he liked, which he had found on his competitors websites and asked me whether I had any experience in his professional field. We had never met in person, he didn't know how it was to work with me (he found me on Instagram) and I could clearly sense he had doubts. I admitted to him that I didn't have any experience in his field of work or with his competitors but I believed to understand his target group. 

I realised that all the texts he sent me were texts about the people themselves. These texts were exactly what you would expect an 'About me' copy to be.

But did it make sense to write just another copy like this? If I were a potential customer and had to choose between him or one of his competitors, who would I go for?

That's when I realised that in times when everyone screams 'me, me, me' the only way to distinguish oneself from the masses is by flipping the coin and saying 'you'.

How to get heard online

If you want to get heard, don't talk about 'who you are', instead say 'this is what I can do for you.' It's so simple, yet so crucial.

Everyone is busy going through endless amounts of content. Not only have we learned to ignore the advertising that shouts at us from every corner of the internet, we have also learned to scan for copy that solves our problems. We read copy that talks to us, not at us.

I tried to explain to my client why a different approach to writing his 'About me' made more sense. I pointed out that if he wanted me to get the job done as quickly as possible I would just write what he wanted me to write. Of course I could do this, but I preferred explaining to him why I believed his approach should be different.. I made him take on the client's perspective and I then gave him this example:

If you buy a TV from a sales man, would you be interested whether he could buy organic food for his family because of your purchase, or would you want the best TV possible?

The second draft of the copy was done and edited within an hour. The cards, the copy was for, are now printed. The client is happy and wants to continue working with me.

What does this lead me to?

If you want to get heard, increase your sales or establish yourself within an audience, don't tell your readers who you are, tell them what you can do for them. Show them what problems you can solve for them. High chance is that they'll hear your voice much louder.

Is there a question you'd like me to answer? How can I help you with your digital positioning or your customer experience? Please comment below. 


Why you should send a letter to the person you admire.


How I survived #nanowrimo and finished 50,000 words in 30 days.