New Skillshare class: How to draft cost estimates and get paid as a freelancer.


When I first started freelancing, I wrote a book

Mostly to help myself and learn how to freelance. Over time, the book(s) I wrote and the online classes I created became a symbol of providing access to information to people who’re seeking it. 

Whenever someone asked me what I’m interested in, I said I wanted to understand how people got from A to B. 

Because I believe if you – or any kid out there – understand how to get from A to B you’ll feel empowered to try that path yourself. 

Whenever people asked me what I cared about, I said access.

Because social mobility is only possible if people feel empowered to access various rooms, circles, and communities. 

And whenever someone asked me how an interior architecture student became a community strategist, I always said that I see strong parallels in how these professions must think.

Because they both have to think about how people move through spaces (digital and physical) and how they meet. Both professions are dealing with social dynamics. And I always wondered how to enter rooms you might have not been “born into.” I mean, my generation has seen Pretty Woman. There’s a lot of truth in it. 

In recent months, I’ve been writing more about sustainability because it’s a subject I’ve been researching for years, even decades given the topics of my academic research. Yet I had a job to do first: I needed to first figure out access. For me, for others. And then share the power I’ve managed to gain. 

For years, I kept publishing how-to freelance guides. And after five years of writing about freelancing, I do think I’ve said it all. BUT I never touched on one subject, which is contracts and invoicing. 

So, here is the one Skillshare class I guess I still “owe” to the freelancer community: How to Draft Cost Estimates and Get Paid As a Freelancer! 

If you use this link in the next 60 days, you’ll get to watch it for free:

Please spread the word. Thank you! 


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