This year will be different! I'm publishing a book, which you might want to read.


Happy New Year to you! I hope you kicked off your year fabulously well and that you had reindeers at your door, surprises in your mail, and many smiles on your face.

I might have mentioned before that I've been working on a book; This Year Will Be Different is a guide to starting out as a freelancer. The book is filled with stories and interviews with successful women about their careers and how they built the businesses they run today. To top it off, there are 23 chapters on topics such as on building your own website, firing your inner perfectionist, how much you should have saved up before becoming self-employed, on how to set a price for your services, and other articles to answer questions I believe everyone wants to know more about once they start thinking about founding a business.

You can get the first feel for what's the book going to be like on Kickstarter; and because I didn't send you a Christmas present, here's a link to one of the interviews, which I haven't published anywhere else just yet. 

PS: I promise the book's much better than the video :) 


What it takes to finalise a project and how to find people to help you with that.


It’s a wrap! December 2014